As our reputation grows, so do our enrollment and our programs. Along with this growth comes the need for additional funding for more challenging programming and enhanced production abilities. Please consider making a donation as a Patron Concert Sponsor of the Chorale or advertise in our concert program. You will directly affect the level of quality entertainment and education available to your family, friends and neighbors in the communities in which you live and work.
We ask you to consider making a gift of support to the Sno-King Community Chorale. The value of quality cultural programs that are accessible to every family and individual in a community cannot be overstated, and in supporting the Chorale, you can help us continue the tradition of outstanding cultural events in our local area. We welcome contributions that allow us to allocate funds as the Board directs, and we would be happy to discuss ways in which you could earmark contributions for designated use such as guest artists or special performances.
The levels of sponsorship are detailed in the pages that follow. Please consider a level of support that reflects your own excitement about life in your community, and your “vote of confidence” in the importance of continued growth of a quality cultural environment for yourself, your children or grandchildren. We would be happy to discuss with you the ways you can share in this mission. We thank you for your thoughtful consideration of our mission and our request. We are most grateful for your support.
President, Board of Directors
The Sno-King Community Chorale is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. (Tax ID 54-2188476)
Donate Now
Donate to SnoKing Community Chorale Securely through PayPal. All major credit cards and forms of payment are accepted.

Chorale Patrons
By becoming a patron of the Sno-King Community Chorale, you ensure the quality and long-term stability of one of our community’s finest arts organizations. The Chorale is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; your donation is fully tax deductible. You may contribute in many ways:
- Through United Way at your place of employment.
- Mail your donation checks to P.O. Box 382, Edmonds, WA 98020.
- Online via PayPal below.
We offer the following levels of opportunity:
- Fortissimo – $1000 and up
- Forte – $500-$999
- Mezzo Forte – $250-$499
- Mezzo Piano – $150-$249
- Piano – $50-$149
- Pianissimo – $25-$49
Donors at all levels are acknowledged in the concert programs.
Please use the donate button to make your donation online now. When you click the button, you will be taken to the secure PayPal site to make your payment. You may use your credit card or your PayPal account.
Annual Fund Raiser
SnoKing Chorale holds one fundraiser event every year. It is a wonderful event. Stay tuned for details on our Annual Fund Raiser for 2024-25.

Frank DeMiero Scholarship
The annual Frank DeMiero Music Scholarship (FDMS), an award to be given Fall Quarter, 2024, to an Edmonds College (EdC) student enrolled in the Music Department Program. The award is made possible by donations from SKCC, friends and colleagues of Frank DeMiero, and the general public.
DeMiero, a music educator since 1964 and now retired, was the highly esteemed conductor/artistic director of SKCC for many years. He leaves a legacy of well-crafted and inspiring concert performances covering a wide range of choral styles.
Student eligibility for application: the Frank DeMiero Music Scholarship annual award is designated for EdC’s 2024 fall quarter. Students who have been accepted into EdC’s music program and students currently enrolled in the music program for the 2024 fall quarter are eligible to apply. The amount of the award is $1000.
Application Process
EdC’s Annual Scholarship Appliction process opens January 26, 2024 and closes March 23, 2024. To apply for the Frank DeMiero Music Scholarship please see Edmonds College Foundation Scholarship at:
Donations in support of the Frank DeMiero Music Scholarship are currently accepted. Make checks out to:
Sno-King Community Chorale
Indicate in the memo field: Frank DeMiero Music Scholarship (FDMS)
Sno-King Community Chorale, P.O. Box 382, Edmonds, WA 98020-0382
Donate Online via PayPal using this link:

Concert Sponsorships
Concert sponsorships help to support our mission. Concert sponsorships are excellent marketing opportunities for businesses or professionals to receive recognition in the community. Be a part of the community’s vital cultural life. Sponsor a single Sno-King Community Chorale concert or an entire concert season.
Single Concert Sponsor Contribution Levels:
· Valued Sponsor ($500)
· Supporting Sponsor ($1,000)
· Contributing Sponsor ($2,000)
· Featured Sponsor ($3,000)
· Season Sponsor ($10,000) minimum donation
Our Sponsors
Benefits: Concert sponsors will receive the following recognition:
- Sponsor’s name will be appear in the official event programs.
- Sponsor’s name will be announced on stage at sponsored event.
- Sponsor’s business card will appear in the official event program.
- Sponsor’s name and/or Business’s logo will be incorporated into print buys in newspaper’s, magazines, flyers, posters, and other promotional material.(Sponsorship must be submitted before promotional material is sent to the printer)
- “Season Sponsors” and “Featured Sponsors” are invited to place a display table in the lobby of the concert venue.
- Sponsor’s logo and a link to the business website will be placed on the SKCC website throughout the season.
- Free tickets based on level of sponsorship.(2 tickets-Valued Sponsor; 4 tickets-Supporting Sponsor; 6 tickets-Contributing Sponsor; 8 tickets-Featured Sponsor; 10 season tickets-Season Sponsor.)
Past Sponsors
- Nordic Museum
- UW Alumni Association
- The Everett Clinic
- Champions Real Estate Services
- Edmonds Community College
- Deno Millikan Law Firm,PLLC
- Uriah Halpin, Ameriprise Financial
To sponsor a concert, click on the attached link for the application and submit with a check to Sno-King Community Chorale at P.O. Box 382, Edmonds, WA 98020-0382.